Order My Debut Novel – The Fall of Mu – Available Globally


Michael is sixteen when his homeland is destroyed in a nuclear attack, his parents are murdered, and he is the one responsible for ensuring his people’s survival. Throughout Michael’s struggles with tyrannical overlords, apathetic allies, and godlike creatures, we follow him as he discovers what it takes to lead in a dystopian universe and how hard it can be to cling onto hope in times of despair. But this is only the beginning!

From shocking twists and turns to unresolved conflicts, The Fall of Mu starts off a series with interactions between good and evil on an intergalactic scale. Join Michael on his quest to save his people from tyranny and experience a new flavor of story-telling with this intriguing blend of science fiction and historical fiction literature! Pick up The Fall of Mu today – part one in an alluring new series that will have you asking for more!

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My Debut Novel

I have big news.

After months of balancing the loss of my beloved mother, acting as her executor, and working with my publisher, I can announce with certainty that my debut novel, The Fall of Mu, will be available everywhere January 2023. I can say that with certainty as I’ve approved the artwork and the proof of the softcover book. All that remains is for me to receive and approve the eBook proof. I should receive that proof before the end of the year and then magically, before the end of January 2023, The Fall of Mu will be available globally at all online bookstores I have heard of.

And thank goodness, as I have completed 50% of the manuscript for the sequel novel, The Rise of the Keepers. I am calling this series the Galactic Pact and it will be at least four books. The Galactic Pact series will be a blend of science fiction and historical fiction that will transport you to a pre-history era where humanity built an interstellar empire. It’s a multi-generational epic that chronicles a rebellion against the tyranny of that empire and the lessons learned by the rebels to avoid becoming the very thing they are rebelling against.

Peace be unto us all this holiday season,

R. Halderman

Gab: @RussellH

Minds: @rhalderman

New Books in the Works

I received feedback on my manuscript, “The Rise of the Keepers.” Two agents told me it was too long. So, I split the manuscript into two books. Book 1: The Fall of Mu & Book 2: The Rise of the Keepers. Book one’s manuscript is almost complete (I am doing the final read through). Book two’s manuscript is 60+% complete. When book 1’s manuscript is complete, I will be sending it to agents, but I will immediately self-publish in order to get the word out. Below are words from the first book that I hung up in my office. It servers as a reminder to me of what moral agency is and is the standard I judge the actions of myself and others by.

Principles of Liberty by R. Halderman

I am considering posting the first few chapter so folks can see what it is about. Comment if you think that is a good idea.

Rise of the Keepers-Beta Review

For those of you that joined this email list nine months ago… thank you.
For those of you that have recently joined… welcome.

What have I been doing since then? Writing. Imagining. Studying. Rewriting.

I am now at a point (over a year in the making) where I am ready to unveil some of it. The manuscript is in the hands of Beta reviewers. For those of you that were alpha readers, thank you. You have helped me form an epic story that is interesting, inspiring and definitely exciting!

What am I talking about? I am talking about my first novel called Rise of the Keepers. First of three in a series. Rise of the Keepers is coming in at 115K words (360 pages paperback), so it is a full-scale fiction novel. But more importantly, the Beta reviewers are giving me very positive feedback. So far, they report it is entertaining and inspirational. Interested? I hope so.

Now there are a few steps left. First I will rewrite based on the beta reviewers’ feedback. Then I will be seeking an agent/publisher. If you know either, let me know by replying to this email.

Until then, below is a teaser followed by memorable quotes from the characters in this novel. If they inspire you, please forward this email to your friends. They can join my email list by going to rhalderman.com. In future emails, I will share some scenes/chapters.


Ours is not the first civilization on this planet with high-tek.
Nor is it the first to reach for the stars.
As today, people in our dim past played the life and death game of liberty versus tyranny.
And tyranny would have won… if not for the “Rise of the Keepers.”


  • “Save all that you can.” — Multiple Characters
  • “Liberty requires vigilance.” — Gabriel
  • “If you know the enemy and yourself, you need not fear the result of  battle.” — Gabriel
  • “Justice will have its day.” — Gabriel and Ceded
  • “A leader is not necessarily one that is obviously so. If there is no visible leadership, an enemy will be uncertain whom to attack for a quick victory. Such a leader can manipulate things to the advantage of his cause. And not all battles require violence.” — Gabriel
  • “For there to be an Everlasting Way of liberty, the aggressor must give restitution with compassion to those they have harmed. Else there can be no harmony, no enduring peace where the seeds of blind aggression remain.” — A Maker
  • “… punishment … is sly reasoning used to control those with empathy and empower those without it.” — A Maker
  • “The Way of liberty requires eternal vigilance. Those that do not pay that price are susceptible to those that invest in tyranny.” — A Maker and Ceded
  • “… every empire needs an enemy. Something to keep the people fearful and willing to make sacrifices to keep the enemy at bay.” — Daeva
  • “The trouble with psychopaths is they really don’t get other people. If they are skilled at manipulating others and get their way often, they think they know how to control the world. But what you call a weakness, empathy and compassion, empowers the rest of us. And if we think clearly and use our reason, we can see that any pain we sow in others will eventually return to undo what we build.” — Ceded
  • “A task too difficult for one, can often be done by many.”  — Michael and many others
  • “When the people hailed Ceded as their ruler, he rebuked them by reminding them of all they accomplished in the absence of a single leader or ruler. He was challenging them to keep their sovereignty by continuing to cooperate with each other and not bargain it for another’s promise of safety and security.” — Michael
  • “Leading people is never perfect and requires humility and fortitude. When you make a mistake, recognize it and understand it so you can apply that wisdom to the future.”  — Warchod
  • “Was I good person?” Ceded asked. The vine answered, “You are truly loved. What better measure is there?”

Escape from the Emerald A.I.

My First eBook is Ready!

For those of you who have joined my mailing list or follow me on social media, Thank You! As a budding sci-fi/fantasy writer your support has been very encouraging. I am very happy to announce that my first short story has been released in eBook format. It is called, “Escape from The Emerald A.I.” and is available on most eBook platforms, including:

This short eBook is a prologue for sci-fi/fantasy fans to the Galactic Pact Series of stories, providing a glimpse of much more to come. The first novel in this series, The Makers’ Stone, will explore the fate of Mark Keeley and the Neman family introduced in this short eBook.

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