R. Halderman Quote “The Politician”

“The politician says, ‘People treat us like they treat their god(s). When they want something from you, they adorn you with flattery, offerings and prayers. When they don’t get what they want, they curse you, blame you and declare they don’t believe in you. The key to remaining a god is to have a devil you can blame things on.’” – R. Halderman

R. Halderman Quote “Sociopath”

“Reason and logic are never enough to maintain a free society. Sociopaths can reason well enough to survive and unfortunately, for freedom-loving people, thrive. At the root of a free society is the ability to empathize for others. For those with empathy, reason is the tool to provide the greatest freedom to all they interact with. For those that don’t empathize (sociopath), reason is the tool to bring themselves the most freedom.” – R. Halderman

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